Working Out After a Spinal Fusion

Pilates for Scoliosis Spinal Fusion

Spinal Fusion Exercise: Where Do I Start?

So, you’ve had a spinal fusion. You’ve been cleared for exercise, and you know you need to care for your body… but you have a million questions about working out after spinal surgery.

Questions like:

  • Is it safe to work out with a spinal fusion?
  • Can I do Pilates or yoga after spinal fusion?
  • How can I work around my physical limitations after spinal fusion?
  • What exercises are okay for my spinal fusion?

Believe me, friend, I’ve been in a similar place to where you are now. After being diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager, I underwent a 12-level scoliosis fusion surgery. After I was fused, I spent years asking myself those same questions, living with chronic pain, and searching for someone to help me.

I needed somewhere to feel safe.
I needed someone who understood.
Do you need that, too?